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Minnesota state capitol building

On May 15, 2024, Governor Walz signed the 2024 Omnibus Pensions and Retirement Bill into law. The bill includes several changes that affect MSRS pension plan members.

We've Moved

The MSRS DULUTH office has moved.

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Webinars & Seminars

MSRS offers educational opportunities to help you better understand the benefits and features of your retirement plan accounts. Make a reservation to attend one of these FREE events. 

Benefit Payment Dates

View the dates when your monthly pension payment is automatically deposited into your bank account.


HCSP Monthly Payment Dates

View the dates when your monthly recurring payments (such as insurance premiums) are automatically deposited into your bank account.



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MSRS Retirement & Savings Plans


This video is an overview of plans administered by MSRS including the state pension plan, the Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan (MNDCP) and the Health Care Savings Plan (HCSP).