If you end state employment, you can delay receiving a monthly benefit until a later date. This is a "deferred benefit." You qualify for a deferred benefit if you meet the vesting requirements for the plan you are covered by.
Reasons why you might defer your benefit
You have not reached retirement age and therefore, are not yet eligible to apply for a benefit.
You are employed elsewhere and do not want to begin collecting the benefit.
Calculating your benefit
To calculate your estimated monthly benefit, we use the same factors that are used for a regular retirement benefit. For more details, link to the retirement plan your are covered under (for example, Correctional Plan) and see Calculating Your Retirement Benefits.
Apply for your benefit
You can apply for your monthly retirement benefit to begin at age 55 or later (or as early as age 50 if covered under the Correctional or State Patrol Retirement Plan). If you receive the deferred benefit before normal retirement age, it is reduced for each year and month you are under full retirement age (see your specific pension plan for full retirement age).
You can apply for your benefit 60 days prior to the date you are eligible to receive the monthly benefit. See Apply for Retirement for a list of the forms you need to complete.