MNDCP offers a self-directed brokerage account through Charles Schwab (Schwab)1 for experienced investors who may want to invest in a wider variety of investment options other than the MNDCP core investment options.
The self-directed brokerage account allows you to invest in most publicly traded mutual funds. Many of the mutual funds are offered as "no-load" or "low-load," meaning they do not incur an additional sales charge to purchase or redeem, or the sales charge is considered to be below normal when compared to other mutual fund sales charges.
There is an additional $30 annual fee to use a Schwab brokerage account.
For more detailed information, see A Guide to Self-Directed Brokerage Account (pdf) or Contact Us.
To open a Schwab brokerage account, Login to your account online. Once logged in, click Go to Savings Plans and then select Brokerage under Investments in the left navigation menu.
Socially Responsible / Fossil Free investments
A Charles Schwab1 self-directed brokerage account offers a variety of socially responsible and fossil fuel free mutual funds.
Socially responsible investing is an investment strategy that seeks to consider both financial reward and social good. In general, fossil fuel free investments do not include companies involved in the extraction, refining, or power generation from coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power.
The financial service community, especially those involved in the area of socially responsible investing, provide many resources for researching these investments. Once you have researched and chosen your mutual fund of choice, open a Schwab brokerage account to begin investing.
1Brokerage services provided by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member SIPC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Additional information can be obtained by calling Schwab at 1-888-393-7272. Schwab & Empower Financial Services, Inc. are separate and unaffiliated.