When requesting reimbursement from your HCSP account, you must provide documentation of the medical expense. Requests submitted without appropriate documentation cannot be reimbursed. Your request will be returned to you if it is declined by MSRS for incorrect or ineligible proof of expenses.

Documentation of Medical Expenses

Acceptable forms of documentation - insurance premiums

  • Health, dental, or long-term care insurance premiums. Documentation must include insurer's contact information, name of person covered, coverage dates, and monthly premium amount, itemized by type of insurance coverage.

  • Medicare B. If paying the standard amount, provide a copy of your Medicare card or letter from Social Security indicating the premium amount. Higher-income retirees whose premium is more than the standard amount must provide a copy of the Social Security letter indicating the premium amount.

  • Medicare Part D or supplemental insurance: Provide documentation indicating premium amount. Documentation must include insurer's contact information, name of person covered, coverage date and monthly premium amount.

Acceptable forms of documentation - other healthcare related expenses

  • Documentation must include provider's name and contact information, date of service, amount charged for service, the insurance reimbursement amount, person for whom service was provided, and treatment/services provided. Examples of acceptable documentation include an itemized statement from a provider or an insurance company's Explanation of Benefits (EOB).

  • Over-the-counter drugs: OTC drugs/medications purchased January 1, 2020 or after can be reimbursed. OTC drugs/medications purchased prior to January 1, 2020, cannot be reimbursed. Documentation can be an original sales receipt that specifies the name of the drug or medication.

  • Canceled checks and bank or credit card statements are not accepted as sole documentation of a claim because they do not include the detail required to authenticate a claim.

  • Handwritten receipts (typically purchased at office supply stores) are unacceptable unless the provider/insurer/employer's name and contact information is indicated, as well as other details described under "acceptable forms of documentation."

  • A balance forward statement, balance due statement, or an estimate of services not yet rendered are never acceptable forms of documentation.