Your browser does not support javascript. Please enable javascript to use this feature. Investor Profile Quiz The following Investor Profile quiz may help you determine whether you are a conservative, moderate or aggressive investor. Strongly Disagree ------------- ------------- ------------> Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 I am a knowledgeable investor who understands the trade-off between risk and return, and I am willing to accept a greater degree of risk to gain the potential for higher returns. I am willing to invest on a long-term basis. If one of my investments dropped 20% in value over six months due to a stock market fluctuation, I would hold on to that investment, expecting it to recover. I have sources of savings other than my MNDCP that make me feel secure about my financial future. TOTAL SCORE: 0 Time Horizon (Number of years until you expect to retire and/or take distributions.) 30 or more Years 11 to 29 Years 10 or fewer Years The highlighted profile indicates your investing style. Years to Retirement Quiz Score 15-20 Quiz Score 9-14 Quiz Score 4-8 30 or more Aggressive Moderately Aggressive Moderate 11-29 Moderately Aggressive Moderate Moderately Conservative 10 or fewer Moderate Moderately Conservative Conservative Now that you know your investor style and tolerance for risk, you can translate that into an asset allocation strategy and choose your appropriate investment options.