There are several factors used to determine your retirement benefit. First we consider your length of service. Then we calculate your high-five average salary, using your highest five years of salary. We take your years and months of service and convert these to a percentage using a benefit multiplier, also known as a benefit formula.
You receive 3% for each year of service. For example, if you have 25 years of service, you would receive 75% of your high five salary.
Example - how retirement benefits are calculated using multiplier
The assumptions | |
Age at retirement |
55 |
Allowable service |
25 years |
Average monthly salary |
$5,000 |
Benefit payment option |
Single-Life |
The calculation |
25 years x 3% = 75% $5,000 (your average monthly salary) |
Retirement age
Full retirement age is 55 (assuming you are vested). If you retire at age 55 or older, there is no reduction in your monthly benefit. We call this an unreduced benefit.
If you retire before age 55, your monthly benefit is reduced by an early retirement factor.
For more detail
Contact MSRS at 1-800-657-5757, or see the State Patrol Retirement Handbook (pdf).