When you apply to receive monthly retirement or disability benefits, you will have to decide whether you want to provide monthly benefits to your survivor when you die. Your choice will affect your monthly benefit amount. The chart below is a comparison of the options available to  participants covered under the Judges Plan.

  Single Life 100%
Joint and Survivor
Joint and Survivor
Joint and Survivor
Life Income
15-Year Certain
Why choose this option? Provides you the highest monthly benefit compared to other options. Provides maximum survivor coverage, but reduces your monthly payments. Provides some survivor coverage, but reduces your monthly payments. Provides some survivor coverage, but reduces your monthly payments. Reduces your monthly benefit, but provides survivor coverage if you die before collecting payments for 15 years.
Benefit paid for your lifetime? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Who can you name as a survivor? N/A Anyone, but typically a spouse. Your monthly benefit is reduced in order to provide coverage to a survivor upon your death. The reduction is based on the age difference between you and your survivor. The younger the survivor, the greater your monthly benefit is reduced. Anyone, but typically a spouse. Your monthly benefit is reduced in order to provide coverage to a survivor upon your death. The reduction is based on the age difference between you and your survivor. The younger the survivor, the greater your monthly benefit is reduced. Anyone, but typically a spouse. State law requires that you provide at least a 50% J&S option for your spouse unless they waive survivor coverage. Anyone
What happens to benefit upon your death? Monthly payments end. Any remaining account balance is paid to your beneficiary. Survivor will receive monthly payment equal to your payments for their lifetime. Survivor will receive monthly payment that is 75% of your payments for their lifetime. Survivor will receive monthly payment that is 50% of your payments for their lifetime. If you received payments for:
  • 15 years or more, payments will end. 
  • Less  than 15 years, your beneficiary will receive payments for balance of 15-year term. *
What happens if named survivor dies before you? N/A
  • If you elect the bounce‐back feature, the monthly benefit will increase to the single‐life benefit after your survivor’s death.
  • If you do not elect the bounce‐back feature, your benefit will not change after your survivor’s death.
  • If you elect the bounce‐back feature, the monthly benefit will increase to the single‐life benefit after your survivor’s death.
  • If you do not elect the bounce‐back feature, your benefit will not change after your survivor’s death.
  • If you elect the bounce‐back feature, the monthly benefit will increase to the single‐life benefit after your survivor’s death.
  • If you do not elect the bounce‐back feature, your benefit will not change after your survivor’s death.
Has no impact on your benefit payment. You can name another beneficiary.

* If both you and your survivor die before the 15‐year term has ended, the balance of the account is paid to your estate.