If you are a hands off investor who is uncertain how to build a proper investment portfolio, are unable to spend the time managing your investments or prefer a simplified-less involved approach to investing, consider investing in a single Minnesota Target Retirement Fund.
How Target Retirement Funds Work
A single MN Target Retirement Fund (or Target Date Funds) offers a diversified mix of stocks and bonds (also called fixed income) investments. A professional money manager selects and manages the right mix of investments (asset allocation) based on the target retirement date.
The date in the fund's name is the approximate date when an investor expects to start withdrawing their money (generally assumed to be at age 65). Each Target Date Fund gradually becomes more conservative as the fund nears the target retirement date. The principal value of the fund is not guaranteed at any time, including at the time of the target date and or withdrawal date.
Learn more about Target Retirement Funds
Asset Allocation
Learn about the asset allocation and diversification of each Target Retirement Fund. Explore asset allocation (pdf)
Interactive Lesson
Assess your skills with this interactive guide. It's your retirement. Keep it on target and keep it simple. Take lesson (pdf)
Watch Video
Watch this short video on how Target Retirement Funds work (2.5 minutes).
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